Why we give
Why do we give? We give because Jesus Christ has first given to us!
There are no giving requirements for being a member or regular attendee. What you give is between you and God. Giving levels are treated with confidentiality.
We are called to give in many ways. We give of our time. We give of our talents. And we give of the individual treasure over which God has given us stewardship. Your regular financial giving supports both the church budget and mission giving. Much of our mission work is directed toward local needs, and that is explained elsewhere on our website. Please contact our pastor with any questions you may have.
How we give financially
TRADITIONAL and NOISY OFFERINGS — Traditional offering plates are passed each Sunday morning. For accounting purposes if you want a tax deduction then you must either write a check or put it in an envelope with your name on it. We receive cash gifts that someone decides to give anonymously. Sunday school classes and Women’s meetings also receive offerings. A “noisy offering” is received during Sunday worship when the congregation has an opportunity to drop pocket change into galvanized buckets, and these gifts are used for special needs in the community, as determined by the church Session every three months.
ONLINE GIVING —If you would like to participate in the ministry of Union Presbyterian Church, please use the GIVE NOW button below. You will have the opportunity to set up a profile to make regular donations or you may give a single gift. Thank you for considering this option.
BANK BILL PAY — An alternative to online giving is online bill pay through your bank. You can give using an online service at no extra cost to you. Most, if not all, financial institutions with online banking offer this service. A few of Union Presbyterian’s members are already giving this way.